ISSUE - 05
An immense relief, The 19 does not have to commence with a death notice. Does one detect a frown in the furrowed brows of the third of the Fate sisters and of our very own Yamaraj? With the landmark achievement of a billion vaccinations, the country might just have bid adieu to the severity that was the second wave, — an onslaught which not just brought widespread devastation in its wake, it at once tested the health infrastructure of the nation and the resilience of the economy. The prophylactic drive, however, leaves no room for the type of mindless complacency seen among the serried crowds scrumming, with scant regard for COVID protocol, for a view of the Burj Khalifas and Badrinath Temples, replicated in cloth and bamboo, during the weeklong festivities of Durga Puja here in Bengal a short while ago.
After the spell of animated activity that was the run-up to the Annual Convocation and Communication, which were held at the end of August, Freemasons’ Hall slipped into a lull in September. The only event worthy of report was the investiture of the officers who had been absent at the Communication. This was held under the banner of The United Dooars Lodge on 15th September. The new Director of Ceremonies redeemed himself yet again. The District officers conveyed their gratitude to the planters for their hospitality.
The month has also been utilised in refurbishing Northampton Hall and the north-west portion of the boundary wall, plagued by a corrosive rising damp. Zoophytes, with their hugely porous ostia, absorb less moisture. An indomitable District Grand Secretary, spurred on by RW the District Grand Master and assisted by an able Superintendent of Works, has not, however, given in to the exasperation lesser mortals would have succumbed to in the circumstance. The tenacity has been singular. The restoration continues.
Lodge True Freemasonry conducted yet another charity. In contrast to the long journey and the day-long venture, a pithy account of the benevolence is reported herein-below by Bro Kaushik Chowdhury. No prizes for guessing from the photocall who the good doctor is.
While in the first part, we were taken through a comprehensive pan of Bro Phil Powell’s criss-cross of the planet, picking up Masonic memberships and ranks on the way, the second chapter here portrays his entree into Chapters, –- prompting his parenthetical remark, “no pun intended”. Along with his now more Calcutta-centric narrative. Incidentally, if the Princes of Eastern Road Chapter Rose Croix perceive one similarity between the author, Bro Powell, and the Editor, it is the situation where for three consecutive years both find themselves the Most Wise Sovereign, never mind how superlatively ludicrous the first two words of the grandiloquent appellation might sound, especially in the case of yours truly. Those sessile marine crustaceans, that are notorious for fouling a ship’s bottom, and which the seafaring, pipe-addicted Captain Archibald crotchety Haddock is wont to take recourse to rather liberally as an oath, prefixing it more often than not with his favourite alliterating attributes, “billions of blue blistering”, are endowed with less clinging properties, even a casual observer would be inclined to conclude. Reverting from the momentary digression, welcome, brethren, to the concluding part of a thoroughly absorbing Masonic biography.
By Bro Kaushik Chowdhury, Director of Ceremonies

On September 26 (Sunday), members of Lodge True Freemasonry No 1865 EC conducted phase I of their annual charity. This year we called our charity Lux Amritam or Enduring Light.
This is Sadai Fakir Pathshala, a tuition centre run by Sujit Chatterjee, retired Headmaster of Uttar Ramnagar High School in Bardhaman. He tutors about 350 tribal children for token amount of Rs 2 per year. He also supports 35 thalassemia patients. The Headmaster had requested us for some books and if we could change the roof of his verandah (56’ x 8’) where the children study, as it has rusted and water poured through. We are changing the roof to Bhushan Steel, trying to get some solar lights and have provided several reference books, as well as trying to create a Bangla literature library. This is perhaps the biggest charity work our Lodge is carrying out so far. The teacher and students are very happy. So are we!
By Bro Philip Ian Powell, PM, Lodge Bengal Masters
On 10th February 2007 during my second visit to Calcutta I had the honour and privilege of being installed in the Chair of King Solomon in Bengal Masters Lodge No 5817 E.C.
As I have already explained I lived and worked in Calcutta in the late 1980’s and made many good friends, particularly Masons. It was on my visit in 2006 that my good friend Mahesh Chandra suggested that I become a joining member of Bengal Masters Lodge with a view to progressing through the Chair. After much thought and discussion with Mahesh and other senior members of the Lodge it was decided that notwithstanding the fact that I would be unable to attend meetings I should be duly proposed seconded and elected as a member of the Lodge. At the next meeting following my return to the UK I was duly elected and also made Senior Warden.
During the ensuing year Mahesh and I had much correspondence and in fact it was through his efforts and his application for a number of dispensations that eventually I was made Master Elect and the installation was set for Saturday 10th February 2007.
All the planning was looking as if it would come to nought as BA then decided to go on strike the very day I was due to fly to India. Fortunately they had a change of heart and on 6th Feb I departed for Calcutta.
On my arrival in Calcutta I went to my usual place of stay, Tollygunge Club, and met with Mahesh and others to finalise the arrangements for 10/2.
In Bengal Masters it was the tradition that the newly installed Master pays for the festive board after the meeting. We had two options, one to stay in 19 Park Street and the second to go Bengal Club. Mahesh is a member (as I was during the time I worked in Calcutta) and Bengal Club had a reputation for good food, etc. Mahesh and I agreed that to go the the Bengal Club would be just like old times when we used to go there regularly after Lodge meetings so, Bengal Club it was.
On the evening of the installation to say that I was nervous would be an understatement. I had been diligently practising my lines for many weeks and although when standing in front of a mirror I could remember I felt sure that on the night I wouldn’t.
Bengal Masters is an Emulation Lodge so this made things a little easier.
At the Installation we had representatives from 8 English Lodges and 4 Indian Lodges plus good representation from District Grand Lodge. I can assure you that on entering the temple my insides turned to water and my mind went blank.
During the ceremony we experienced several power cuts but these in no way detracted from the dignified and impressive manner in which the ceremony was performed particularly by the installing master. For my part however as predicted total amnesia when it came to investing the officers which needed a fair degree of prompting!
Fortunately none of this detracted from the overall evening and by the time it came for me to close the Lodge my memory had returned and at least that bit went off well.
Photos were taken in the Lodge of the officers and brethren and we then retired to the Bengal Club for the festive board.
I have to say that that was one night I will never forget. To be accorded the honour and privilege of being installed as Master of Bengal Master Lodge was beyond my wildest dreams and to have my long time and closest Masonic friend in India (W Bro Mahesh Chandra, the outgoing Master) performing the installation made the evening more memorable and enjoyable.
I guess that given that I first saw Masonic light on the far side of the world and that I have visited and am a member of Lodges in many exotic parts of the world it is probably fitting that this latest and most important step in my Masonic career should have happened in the City of Joy, Calcutta.
Following on from this the next year I was informed that as there was no suitable successor I would be asked to continue for a second year as WM of Bengal Masters Lodge! Naturally I did and in January of 2008 I returned once again to Calcutta for a second installation and in February 2009 I finally managed to install my successor Dr Dutta as WM of Bengal Masters.
Way back in 1980 I had joined Cathay Royal Arch Chapter No 1165 EC in Hong Kong but over the years had not really kept up my membership. I was however asked by my good friend in the UK W Bro Eddie Clarke if I was interested in joining Ormskirk Priory Chapter No 4007 in Ormskirk.
Naturally I agreed and told Eddie that I was in fact already a member of the RA from way back. I produced my certificate and eventually managed to get a certificate of good standing from Hong Kong and on 12th March 2008 I was admitted as a member of Ormskirk Priory Chapter.
During my first year I was asked to stand in as Principal Sojourner which I gladly did and to my surprise at the end of the year I was asked if I would accept the office of Third Principal to be installed on 11th March 2009, in addition I was also asked if I would be Junior Warden in Aughton Lodge and then go through the Chair again (for the third time). Of course I agreed and now after nearly 30 years in Freemasonry I find myself back on the ladder for both Craft and Royal Arch!
I have since progressed through all the Chairs in Chapter and am now DC of Ormskirk Priory Chapter.
I was also installed as WM of Aughton Lodge in 2011 but due to personal reasons resigned in 2012.
Not wishing to remain outside of Freemasonry in West Lancs I was asked if I would like to join Harmony Lodge 580 in Ormskirk, which I duly did in 2013.
In addition to Harmony Lodge I have also joined Rose Croix in 2012 and was appointed steward on 26/4/2012 and have been MWS for 2019,2020 and 2021(Covid to blame for this).
In 2013 I was asked if I would like to join Silver Jubilee Chapter of Past Principals Southport which I did in February of 2013.
In addition to my Craft and Chapter activities I was also a volunteer with WLFC from 2008 until 2010 and after finishing work (again!) I am again a volunteer effective 7/12/2012.
Over the past several years I have made a point of returning to Calcutta every year for the Installations of Lodge Star No 67 and Bengal Masters 5817. I am also the Assistant Secretary for Lodge Star charged with collecting the subs of the overseas members. I have done this for a number of years and on 19th July 2014 I was honoured by being made Past District Senior Grand Deacon of the District of Bengal.
Once again absolutely flabbergasted at this honour and I now wear the appropriate regalia with a great deal of pride in my UK Lodges and any other Lodge that I may visit!!! Indeed on a visit to New Zealand in August 2014 I visited my mother Lodge and of course wore my regalia with pride.
I returned to India in January 2015 for the 275th anniversary of the founding of Lodge Star No 67 a truly momentous occasion.
Never a dull moment as they say.
Having been to Calcutta in January of 2015 when I returned home I received a letter from Provincial Grand Chapter in West Lance advising that from 8th April 2015 I had been appointed as Provincial Grand Steward in the Chapter. Once again absolutely amazed at this I had had no indication that this was to happen so needless to say delighted. More expense in buying the appropriate regalia though!
Later in the year I received an e mail from District Grand Secretary in Bengal advising that the District Grand Master in Bengal wished to appoint me as District Grand Orator!
This was a promotion which now took me above PDSGD.
Needless to say I accepted and once again was on a plane to Calcutta for the DGL meeting on 11th July 2015 to receive my appointment.
At this stage I am now an acting officer in the Craft in Bengal and an acting officer in Royal Arch in West Lancs!
I bet not many people could say that.
I was re appointed District Grand Orator (Bengal) in July 2016 and in July 2017 appointed District Grand Charity Steward (Bengal).
I have since been appointed as Past District Grand Chaplain (Bengal) and applied to rejoin Aughton Lodge in West Lancs. Make no mistake I will be wearing my District Regalia with pride at every West Lancs meeting!
And one final note, just to cement my relationship with Calcutta and Freemasonry in Bengal I have now joined Howrah Chapter and Lodge Kathmandu of Nepal!
EDITOR: Amit Dutt
Mobile: +91 98312 23230, E-mail : a_k_dutt_06@yahoo.com
Mobile: +919230613338, 9903033599, E-mail : dgsofbengalfm@gmail.com
Freemasons’ Hall, 19, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal, India.