JULY 2022
ISSUE - 02
The mercury has dipped, the virus has proliferated. The intermittent precipitations of May spilled over to June with scarcely a sign of the heavy, incessant downpour – not that it is greeted with a plethora of warmth by city dwellers having to contend with water-logging, often of biblical proportions, despite the welcome verdancy that the season ushers in — that normally marks the second half of the month. The weather pundits have crystal-gazed a patchy, below-average hyetal season. Be that as it may, the temperature has mellowed from a searing 40 to an agreeable 25 on the Celsius scale. On the other hand, the virus, — chiroptereous, our northern neighbour would have the world believe — is raging in yet another avatar. BA.2 to the virologists, omicron stealth to the layman, the quotidian tally has been growing progressively higher. BA.4 and BA.5 are in the wings, waiting for carriers in South Africa to smuggle them out to the rest of the world. In a manner closely resembling the spread of another virus from the continent, this of the simian variety, and one that WHO has declared a global health emergency. The hapless world waits with trepidation for another broadside, this time two-pronged, on a scale that has sent the planet reeling these last two and a half years. And like with everything else that is frustratingly protracted, corona fatigue has set in. Consigning caution to the four winds of heaven, people are venturing out with little or no precaution of respirators and social distancing.
The nonchalance has been reflected in the commodious temples and halls of 19. While the complacence, to a large extent, can be imputed to the confidence – ill-founded – exuding from the two or more doses of prophylactics, it bodes ill for Masons whose average age is a senescent three-score. While Lodges and Chapters went on as usual, the preparations for the Annual Communication scheduled for the next month, progressed at a pitch which, though did not merit the attribute fever, was not exactly gastropodous either. The one event of the month worth dwelling on was the benevolence performed by Lodge Prinsep. Read on, dear reader, to learn more about it.

Lodge Prinsep, for the first time in its fourteen decade history, commemorated the Consecration Day of the Lodge on 18th June. The meeting at the Temple was, in the main, a rededication to Masonic values. As part of the commemoration of its 138th year of Consecration, the Lodge distributed food among 300 odd underprivileged people of the neighbourhood on that day. On the agenda was yet another charity, but more about that in the next issue. These columns cannot help but commend this spirit to stand by the side of the less fortunate.
EDITOR: Amit Dutt
Mobile: +91 98312 23230, E-mail : a_k_dutt_06@yahoo.com
Mobile: +919230613338, 9903033599, E-mail : dgsofbengalfm@gmail.com
Freemasons’ Hall, 19, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal, India.