ISSUE - 07

Shindigs. Aplenty. In stark contrast to the solemnity in the Temple later that evening. The allusion, dear reader, is to the journey to Jamshedpur on the 27th of November to attend the Quarterly Communication under the banner of TISCO Lodge. A bus full of merry Masons, — twenty four, to be precise – sporting the District T shirts and caps. From RW the District Grand Master to young Abhineet, Initiated into the fraternity just a couple of months ago. The conviviality, another seamless four-hour session, was replicated on the return journey. The one dark spot was the nasty fall of Bro J. C. Lall, which resulted in partial paralysis of his left leg and the resultant inability to attend the meeting. The gutsy man left the next day on a wheel chair, a sight bringing a lump in many a brother’s throat. The accident was later diagnosed to have been the result of a nervous disorder. The high points of the meeting were the handover of the Centenary Charter and the Ritual Competition Trophy, named after the late Bro Navzar Dotivala, to TISCO Lodge, whose hospitality lived up to the reputation that all the four outstation Lodges are known for.
It goes to the eminently deserved credit of GN – far too familiar by his initials than by the weighty designation of District Grand Secretary, — for having disinterred the Quarterly Communication, fallen in disuse latterly. The decision, again, in the main his idea, to hold the two Quarterlies and the Half-yearly at the four mofussil Lodges will go a long way in fostering the bonds among the brethren spread across the eighteen Lodges. Such was the success of the trip that the proposed trip to Kanpur on the 26th of February next year for the Half-yearly has evoked a not-insignificant enthusiasm.

The other noteworthy event of the month was the “away” meeting of Lodge Kathmandu of Nepal at Manabari Greens, a sprawling riparian estate on the banks of Gheesh river. Owned by Bro Raja Basu. The estate, not the stream. The latter is ramified into narrow rivulets by aits of scree, — anabranches that, one assumes, merge into one turbulent confluence in the monsoon. The resort, a pleasant fusion of the arboreous and the manicured, houses a building and a cluster of cottages, abutting Manabari Tea Estate, hectares of camellia sinensis owned by the planter brother. It was in these virid surroundings that Bro Arijit Sen was Passed to the Degree of a Fellowcraft on the evening of the 13th in the softly-lit ambience of candles, — an occasion that is certain to remain engraved in his mind for a long time to come.
The month ended with the District office going into a passionate fervour over the commemoration of the Foundation Day of District Grand Lodge of Bengal, then a Province. It was again GN who had dug out the date, 27th December, and floated the idea of celebrating the occasion. It might be noted here that it was just ten years after Modern Freemasonry was established in England in the name and style of United Grand Lodge of England. More about this commemoration in the next issue. Till then, Season’s Greetings to all readers.
EDITOR: Amit Dutt
Mobile: +91 98312 23230, E-mail : a_k_dutt_06@yahoo.com
Mobile: +919230613338, 9903033599, E-mail : dgsofbengalfm@gmail.com
Freemasons’ Hall, 19, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal, India.