APRIL 2021
ISSUE - 11

1921 - 2021
Having had a respite from commencing with obits for a few months, these columns are, perforce, back to the distasteful task. This time around it does not pertain to the District, though. His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, was summoned to the Grand Lodge Above on the 9th of April at Windsor Castle. A subscribing member of Navy Lodge till his last day, Bro. HRH Prince Philip had been Initiated on 5th December, 1952. It has been said of him that he would often turn up at the meetings unannounced. The 19 joins the rest of the fraternity in expressing the deepest condolences to Her Majesty the Queen on the loss of her beloved husband of seven and a half decades.
Nearer home, and tracing back to March, the initial feeling of over-optimism, generated by the launch of the various prophylactics, – their relative efficacies mark a topic of animated discussions, — has been markedly tempered with a blanket dripping with despondency by what is being commonly referred to as the second wave, a resurgence of corona afflictions that assumed alarming proportions as the month wore on. It can be attributed to a large extent to the lowering down of the guard too soon, a creeping in of an arrantly misplaced sense of complacency. Triggered, to a not inconsiderable extent, by what may be termed COVID fatigue, — patience and caution wearing thin after months of strict restrictions. Aggravated by the opening up of the mass transit systems and brick-and-mortar businesses, all of which, of necessity, entailed bidding adieu to social distancing, especially in the densely populated cities and towns. Inevitable, considering the equally unenviable cleft-stick alternative of a free-falling economy and the consequent dwindling job prospects. Here, in Bengal, as in the other four poll-bound states, the scourge found an additional fertile ground for proliferation with the serried phalanxes at the rallies and roadshows across the spectrum of the political parties, where distancing and respirators have been defenestrated, to borrow loosely from Mr Tharoor’s inexhaustible store of words, — the surname is sufficiently familiar for the first name to be dispensed with — with an almost cynical disdain, that the wily virus, by now famous, or otherwise, for its canniness, has scooped full advantage of.
However, not one to be intimidated by adversity, the District Grand Secretary, Bro G N Singh, organised a WALK from 19 to Victoria Memorial Hall and back on the morning of Sunday, the 14th of March. Adhering to COVID-appropriate protocol. Naturally. In part, to bolster flagging morale, to an extent to foster fellowship among brethren of the various Lodges, in part to awaken the social awareness of the pernicious effects of plastic. In an attempt also to make known to the uninitiated what is generally perceived an occult, tight-lipped organisation. A step-by-brisk-step account is furnished below by Bro Vaswani — a name appearing with such regularity in these columns, that his first name too, one feels, may be mentioned at the expense of courting superfluity. Saves time and space, if you get the drift, dear reader.
Ah, and that nugget that had almost skipped the mind: there was this almighty scare of Bro Amit Ukil complaining of a pain on the left side of his chest after having jogged a hundred odd yards to catch up with the tail of the procession. Having, in his customary tardiness, arrived a full hour and a half behind the appointed time. While subsequent tests, clinical as well as pathological, threw up nothing that could cause worry, he has been advised to quit smoking, to scale down the drinking to a moderate four hundred litres a week – er, resolved to the milli factor, that is — and to shake those oxidized limbs, otherwise in a perpetual state of inertia; to give a spot of much-needed respite and exercise – a contradiction in terms, it would appear at first sight — to the cardio-vascular organs.
Then there was the Lodge of Improvement, conducted by the DBGP – District Board of General Purposes, to the uninitiated — on the 18th of March. With the virtual flailing of the arms that constitutes the discharge of the signs of the three degrees in most cases, and flounders in the most elementary of rituals like the opening and closing of the Lodge, the exercise could not have been more timely. “Long overdue”, ace ritualist, Bro Harris James, could not have been faulted had he elected to so correct, or, the martinet, Denzel Hilt, had he thundered, jolted awake in disgust from his “five feet or more in perpendicular” subterranean repose. The Assistant District Grand Master, Bro Subir Dutta, recounts it at length. The collaboration, not the withering obiter dicta of the two legends.
Read on, dear brethren.
By Bro Anil Vaswani, Past Master, Lodge Kathmandu of Nepal

“Making Good Men Better”: this simple phrase encapsulates the core of what it means to be a Freemason today. For some people it means charity and giving selflessly; for others it means fellowship and close-knit friendships; for yet others it means a journey to self-improvement and strengthening one’s character through moral and spiritual upliftment; and finally, for many, it means preserving and protecting 300 years of history, tradition and achievement, and passing them on to the next generation for them to do their part.
With this in mind, the District Grand Lodge of Bengal organized a morning walk starting at 6.30 am on Sunday, 14th March, 2021 from Freemasons’ Hall to the Victoria Memorial Hall, then doing a leisurely perambulation on the grounds around the venerable Memorial, and finally the walk back to home base at 19 Park Street. A considerable turnout of over 30 brethren participated, proudly wearing the Masonic logo of the Square and Compasses on their shirts. The purpose was threefold — to bring Masons together for an enjoyable group activity to build fellowship, to make Freemasonry more visible to the general public, and finally to send a social message of “Say No To Plastic” to save the environment, which every Mason sported on the back of his shirt.
The event was planned at short notice, but kudos to the brethren who turned out in large numbers in just a few days time to support this wonderful event, including several recently initiated Masons who were involving themselves in Masonic activities for the first time. From the blue and white Masonic shirts that caught the attention of the general public, to providing water to the thirsty participants along the way, the entire event was meticulously coordinated and executed by our ceaselessly toiling District Grand Secretary W. Bro G. N. Singh.
After the walk, a sumptuous breakfast awaited the hungry participants back at Freemasons Hall. After their labour, the brethren took profit and pleasure from refreshment in the form of hot pea kachoris, delicious Punjabi chholey and aloo dum, rounded off with jalebis, generously provided by our own DGM RW. Bro Dev Thapar along with W. Bro Raj Kumar Bharech and W. Bro Amit Dutt.
More than simply motivating Masons for fitness with a cause, the morning walk seems to have triggered a whole tsunami of ideas and charity suggestions from the participants for similar events in the coming months that will serve to bring the Masonic community closer together. Nothing could give the participants more satisfaction than the smile of happiness on our DGM’s face. His remarks in closing the event summed it all up, “Today, seeing the unity among our brethren and Lodges, I feel assured that we are moving forward in the right direction in our objective of keeping Freemasonry alive and well at 19 Park Street.”
By W Bro Subir Dutta, Assistant District Grand Master
“Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating a learning process.” – Peter Senge
With the idea of creating greater awareness and knowledge about Freemasonry in general and Temple workings in particular, the District Grand Lodge of Bengal, on 18 March 2021, organised a Mentoring Session and Lodge of Instruction for the First Degree for Brethren belonging to the English constitution under the aegis of The District Board General Purposes (DBGP).
This unique session, held after a long time, was well attended by both old and new Masons from Kolkata. The District Grand Master R. W. Bro. Devendra Lal Thapar in his Welcome Address thanked the Brethren for their attendance and quest to learn more about Freemasonry. He hoped that the Brethren would find the programme useful and put to use their learning in their regular Lodge meetings.
The District Grand Secretary W. Bro. Gyanendra Narain Singh then laid out the objectives of the sessions and once again thanked the Brethren for their keen enthusiasm and support.
The evening started with the Mentoring Session where the primary focus was on Membership. Aspects related to identifying, recruiting, mentoring, developing and retaining members were discussed. During the session certain DOs and DON’Ts related to membership were also highlighted. It was emphasized that while targeting new members, their interest in Freemasonry should be ascertained and expectations of them should be explained prior to their induction.
The Lodge of Instruction was a practical demonstration of all aspects related to opening, conducting and closing of a Lodge in the First Degree, along with a live demonstration by senior Masons from the District who officiated as Lodge Officers of the simulated Lodge. During the conduct of the Lodge of Instruction W.Bro. Anil Vaswani, President, DBGP, W.Bro. Amit Dutt, District Communications Officer and W. Bro. Subir Dutta – the Assistant District Grand Master, acted as facilitators and paused the proceedings at appropriate junctures in order to either explain why and how certain rituals need to be conducted, how signs should be given and the postures to be maintained. They further clarified the rules of active Lodge Officials and how and why they should discharge their obligations. This was followed by a detailed presentation on the First Degree Tracing Board with a full explanation and correlating the contents of the lecture with the physical existence of the allegories in the Temple for the Brethren to understand their significance.
In order to access the understanding of the Brethren in attendance, a Pop Quiz on the deliberations held during the evening was conducted. W. Bro. Rajarshi Nag of The Federation Lodge No. 2871 emerged as the Winner of the Quiz followed by Bro. Shayak Chakraborty of Lodge Kathmandu of Nepal No. 8194 and Bro. Samrat Sengupta of The St. John’s Lodge No. 486. The District Grand Master R. W. Bro. Devendra Lal Thapar handed over Masonic gifts to the three Brethren.
The evening concluded with a fun-filled festive board where the Brethren engaged in networking and sharing their Masonic enthusiasm, cutting across individual Lodges.
Based on the feedback received, more similar initiatives are being planned in order to enhance the Masonic knowledge and experiences of the Brethren of the District.
EDITOR: Amit Dutt
Mobile: +91 98312 23230, E-mail : a_k_dutt_06@yahoo.com
Mobile: +919230613338, 9903033599, E-mail : dgsofbengalfm@gmail.com
Freemasons’ Hall, 19, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal, India.